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Wednesday April 19, 2023 Dinner Meeting & Presentation - Nuclear and Non-Nuclear Gauges, Ali Regimand
Date of Event:04/19/2023 6:00PM - 04/19/2023 9:00PM
Location:Pines Manor 2085 Lincoln Highway (State Route 27) Edison, NJ 08817    Driving Directions
Mail-In Form:Mail-in Form
Summary:6:00 PM Registration, Social Hour & Cash Bar, 6:45 PM Buffet Dinner, 8:00 PM Presentation
Description:The Presentation Topic is "The proper use and field application of nuclear and non-nuclear gauges”, and the Speaker is Ali Regimand, the President and founder of InstroTek, Inc..

First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Email (Primary)
Business Name
Guest Name 1 (Optional)
Guest Name 2 (Optional)
Guest Name 3 (Optional)
Guest Name 4 (Optional)
Guest Name 5 (Optional)

Member (Early) $55.00 & Guest (Early) $65.00 if paid before 2023-04-11 (up to 8 days before 2023-04-19)
Member (Late) $60.00 & Guest (Late) $70.00 if paid on or after 2023-04-12 (7 days to 1 day before 2023-04-19)
Non-Member (Early) $65.00 & Guest (Early) $65.00 if paid before 2023-04-11 (up to 8 days before 2023-04-19)
Non-Member (Late) $70.00 & Guest (Late) $70.00 if paid on or after 2023-04-12 (7 days to 1 day before 2023-04-19)

Current Total Due: $0

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